Readiness Indicators

Successful College and Career Pathway

The SCC Collaborative works to measure specific TK-12 college and career metrics which indicate that students are on a successful college and career pathway. Additionally, the Collaborative monitors high school to postsecondary transitions and success. Postsecondary partners, TK-12 districts, and community partners come together regularly to analyze and discuss college and career pathway data and to strategize systems changes to improve student success.

To determine how your school or district is doing on the California State College and Career Indicator you can visit the California School Dashboard and search for your site. 

FAFSA/DREAM Act Completion

Check out how your school is performing in the Race to Submit Statewide Campaign by visiting the statewide dashboard. You can search by your school and district and compare your results with the state, other districts, and/or other schools.

College Success and Degree Completion

To learn more about Santa Cruz County college enrollment, degree completion, and other county data, visit the County Office of Education Data Portal.