School Counselor Leadership Network
The role of the school counselor is vital in helping to ensure all students are eligible and well prepared for college and the workforce. The Santa Cruz County School Counselor Leadership Network is designed to bring counselors together with the shared purpose of increasing student access and success in postsecondary education and their chosen career goals.
The SCC Counselor Network highlights successful practices to ensure successful completion of a rigorous course of study and a seamless transition to postsecondary education, as well as strategies for early intervention systems that are focused on meeting the diverse needs of at-risk students.
Each year the Collaborative hosts a School Counselor Summit. The Summit brings local counselors together with the shared goal of increasing student access and success in post-secondary education. The Summit provides counselors an opportunity to:
- Build a professional learning community amongst counselors across the county
- Learn about effective models for using data to inform counseling programs and practices
- Determine how to build administrator/counselor partnerships
- Connect with students through interactive student panels
- Improve counselor access to quality college and career counseling professional development
School counselors look to improve outcomes, strengthen support on Central Coast

APTOS — For many students aspiring to a higher education, nothing is more intimidating than the college admissions process. While some teens can lean on the experience of college-educated parents or role models, for others, high school counselors serve as their best — if not only — helping hand.